Aug. 27, 2019

#10 - Using $1k to Build $100M Deodorant Business

#10 - Using $1k to Build $100M Deodorant Business

Season 2 of The Hustle's podcast is here - and we're talking to Moiz Ali (@moizali). Have you ever looked at the back of your deodorant stick and read the ingredients? Aluminum zirconium trichlorohydrex? PPG-14 Butyl Ether? Well, Moi...

Season 2 of The Hustle's podcast is here - and we're talking to Moiz Ali (@moizali). Have you ever looked at the back of your deodorant stick and read the ingredients? Aluminum zirconium trichlorohydrex? PPG-14 Butyl Ether? Well, Moiz saw that and created Native, a natural deodorant without all the chemical junk. He built the company from his brother's dining table - doing sales, marketing, operations & customer service as a one-man-show. His hard work paid off, as he sold the company for $100M to Proctor & Gamble just 2.5 years after it launched. Listen in to hear the backstory of how he started using just $1k, how the company almost died (twice), and how he negotiated a $100M sale of the business! 


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