March 2, 2020

#53 - Nicotine Gum, Dating Apps For The Elderly & Tax on Vested Shares

#53 - Nicotine Gum, Dating Apps For The Elderly & Tax on Vested Shares

Sam (@thesamparr) and Shaan (@shaanvp) talk ideas, news, trends and businesses. Sign up for our Run The World conference: We've partnered once again with the online business broker Quiet Light Br...

Sam (@thesamparr) and Shaan (@shaanvp) talk ideas, news, trends and businesses. Sign up for our Run The World conference: We've partnered once again with the online business broker Quiet Light Brokerage, they want to give you guys a FREE 25-point checklist to see how sellable your online business is. To receive this free guide, visit oin our private FB group if you haven't already: It's free to join yet provides so much value through meeting other hyperactive business people and having discussions around the type of stuff discussed in the podcast.

Topics for today: Bernie Sanders proposed tax on vested shares (2:17), Biggest regrets in structuring companies (9:08), Internet conferences like Run The World (14:25), Book clubs (19:12), Copy masters and publishing giants like Agora (26:34), Online services for older people (32:13), Which single digit unicorn will become the next $100B behemoth? (37:53), Turnkey bathroom renovations (47:38) and Sam's angel investment in Nicotine Gum is working (49:10)


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