My friend Masroor Ahmed turned me on to the MFM pod last year. At first, i just listened occasionally—and i was certain that Sam was the Indian guy (bc his voice totally sounds like a nasally Desi), and I thought Shaan was the white dude. i started missing episodes, bc i mostly used to listen to podcasts while driving, and the Pandemic killed my driving time. However, in the past few months, i came to realize that MFM may be one of the best podcasts in existence. Always chock full of practical advice and business education, the episodes are CONSISTENTLY entertaining and informative. For entrepreneurs and even investors, the forward-looking peeks into emerging trends, the latest tech innovations, and insider-only intel (that SV VCs and stealth startups normally hoard and keep to themselves) are ALWAYS shared. My prediction is that Shaan Puri will become the Brown Tony Robbins, Sam Parr will become a billionaire, and the MFM podcast will become the #1 Business podcast in the world by 2025. i have put my (crypto) money where my mouth is, and just bought both of their creator coins on Bitclout, and in fact, as of today, i am the largest hodler of the Sam Parr creator coin on the platform! If you want to listen to interesting business ideas, learn a ton about investing and entrepreneurship, and have a fun time doing so, you will love the MFM podcast.
April 27, 2021 by Lion of Light (Azhar Usman) on Apple Podcasts