My First Million

These guys get it (for the most part)

Stock market Sam and Brown Santa Clause babble about the endless opportunities to make money in this new tech age. Add in the occasional blue collar side hustle, some tech gossip, and fitness influencer how-to’s and you’ve stumbled upon your new favorite podcast.

In reality these are some genuinely awesome and creatively brilliant guys that I feel lucky to be a fly on the wall for their conversations. They are hustlers who inspire you to get off your butt and make some cash. I hope to show my appreciation one day in person.

Once MFM entered my podcast rota a little over a year ago I haven’t missed an episode. Love these dudes.

Sam and Shaan - keep up the hustle guys I can’t get enough content.

Nov. 18, 2021 by christmcafgs on Apple Podcasts

My First Million

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