June 3, 2024

This $50M/Yr Side Hustle Is On Track To Make $1 Billion By 2030

This $50M/Yr Side Hustle Is On Track To Make $1 Billion By 2030

Episode 592:  Sam Parr ( https://twitter.com/theSamParr ) and Shaan Puri ( https://twitter.com/ShaanVP ) break down the economics of luxury hobby magazines, make a prediction about Ai cameras, and explain how to find the next tech wave. 

Want to see Sam and Shaan’s smiling faces? Head to the MFM YouTube Channel and subscribe - http://tinyurl.com/5n7ftsy5

Show Notes:

(0:00) Craig Fuller's field of dreams

(5:12) $50M side hustle

(9:16) We call to find out EXACTLY how he did it

(19:02) The New York Times is a gaming company

(23:27) Idea: Third party LinkedIn games developer

(27:00) How rich people spend money

(29:00) The myth of the second home

(30:57) Ai cameras

(36:31) Prediction: A camera on every field, every court

(38:31) How to find the next wave: What's the next menus on the internet?

(40:41) How to avoid product obsolescence

(44:09) "Measure twice. Cut once"


• FreighWaves - https://www.freightwaves.com/

• FLYING Magazine - https://www.flyingmag.com/

• Firecrown - https://firecrown.com/

• Veo - https://launch.veo.co/

• Grab HubSpot's free AI-Powered Customer Platform and watch your business grow - https://clickhubspot.com/fmf

Check Out Shaan's Stuff:

Need to hire? You should use the same service Shaan uses to hire developers, designers, & Virtual Assistants → it’s called Shepherd (tell ‘em Shaan sent you): https://bit.ly/SupportShepherd

Check Out Sam's Stuff:

• Hampton - https://www.joinhampton.com/

• Ideation Bootcamp - https://www.ideationbootcamp.co/

• Copy That - https://copythat.com

• Hampton Wealth Survey - https://joinhampton.com/wealth

My First Million is a HubSpot Original Podcast // Brought to you by The HubSpot Podcast Network // Production by Arie Desormeaux // Editing by Ezra Bakker Trupiano