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Subscribe, DO IT.
MFM is the only pod I listen to regularly. Both Sam and Shaan are insightful yet relatable. It is an inspiring mix of their experiences and ventures along with top tier guests. I feel like I’ve learned more from listening to this pod over the last few years than I did in business school. Keep it up boys!

I LOVE the variety of businesses these guys talk about. It’s one of my favorite new podcasts!!!!

My favorite podcast ever
I’m not a big podcaster but I have about 3 that I listen to, this being one of them. So insightful and I learn a ton every episode. I love the how casual it is but also nothing inspires me more!

More inspiring than any other tech entrepreneur podcast I listen to!
After 177 episodes, Shaan and Sam have inspired me to start my own website! Well almost. I love these guys. I listen to them every chance I get and they’re great. I get a lot of ideas from them, and almost committed on a couple of occasions, but then get lazy. Not their fault!!! They keep the hits coming! They’re very witty, have great content, and great guests. Maybe one day I’ll be on the pod talking about my first million.

Smart and fun dudes
You know the saying “you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with”, well adding Sam and Shaan to my podcast entourage makes me a better and smarter person. They brings interesting topics, talk about what s up in the cyber space (yes that s how I call the internet at my age) and listening to them debating how to build businesses in different spaces is enlightening. They also go off script and talk about random but still interesting stuff. This podcast is such a treat!

Favorite Pod
I've been listening to the pod since early 2020... It's been awesome to see Shaan and Sam grow as much as they have over the last year. Kudos to them for putting so much effort into delivering massive value to us... Thanks so much guys - keep up the great work :)

Great Podcast!!
Always informative and funny.

Love this

My favorite business podcast
If you’re looking for something fun, interesting, and inspiring to listen to, My First Million is the podcast for you. Shaan and Sam both have great personalities and different strengths, so they’re able to volley ideas back and forth in playful, interesting way. Also, they demystify the process of starting a business or side hustle and give frameworks & playbooks on how to do it. Finally, the guests that they feature continue to get more interesting and exciting, which leads to even more valuable content. This is definitely one of my favorite podcasts period.

Been here since day 1, best podcast ever!
As I scroll back through the “all episodes” tab to episode 1, and I scroll up and see “played” on every episode I can’t help but be hit with a wave of nostalgia. I feel like a proud parent watching a child succeed as these guys climb all the way towards the top spot on the Apple podcast chart. This show just gets better and better, Shaan and Sam could narrate a baby shower or a colonoscopy and I’d still tune in to listen. They make every single topic interesting, and they boyish sense of wonder and enthusiasm for business and life in general is not only motivating but also infectious. I feel a little torn since I loved and miss the original episodes, hearing a founders story of getting to a million dollars, but the newer format is just incredible. The stories you have shared, the insights you have given, the guests you’ve introduced me to, and just your attitudes toward life have had a lasting impact on mine. Thank you guys so much for putting your heart and souls into this podcast. Needless to say, I would recommend.

I’m literally addicted to this pod. It’s so good. So much useful insight into various business, ideas, possible problems and thinking patterns if successful entrepreneurs. I listen to it almost daily. Furthermore, Sam and Shawn are just good and humorous people who don’t take themselves too serious. Down to earth with amazing insight and knowledge. 🙌

Best Pod
MFM has been the best pod for a while now.

Add this podcast to your “Inner Circle”
There’s that tired quote of you’re the average of the 5 or so people you spend your time with, same goes with Podcasts. Adding Sam and Shaan to your inner circle is like adding pre-workout to your gym routine, they get you absolutely PUMPED. Listen to this if you’re looking for regular entrepreneurial brain exercises, motivation, and the never ending reminder of the sheer amount of opportunity in this world. My favorite business podcast.

Great show
Tons of valuable content every show.

Awesome show!
This podcast is hands down! One of best shows! I love hearing new ideas and sometimes even hear the same episodes twice in a row. It’s a must listen!

Inspirational content
I look forward to Sean and Sam’s content each week. It keeps my creative juices flowing and motivates our team.

Tactical advice for all types of businesses
Sam and Shaan do a great job of laying out interesting new business ideas but also speak to the steps they would take to start each one. Another bonus, they always share best practices, tips and resources they’ve learned along the way. This is a must listen pod for an entrepreneur or anyone looking to dive into entrepreneurship!

Started listening today and went through 4 episodes. Got the wheels turning in my brain!

Shaan & Sam are honorary members of New Story
Move over Walter White, there are new cooks in town! I’m hooked on MFM. 30% of our water-cooler nonsense at work can be traced back to this podcast. Shaan and Sam are either the largest contributors to our creative brainstorming OR the biggest detours from our productivity. Probably both. Shaan has 113% of his net worth in Bitcoin?! Well, thanks to BitClout, I’m all-in on Puri and Parr! Top of the charts, here we come!

Love the pod!
Love Shaan and Sam. They do a great job diving into different topics and subcategories of business/ideas. Only pod I listen to as soon as it drops.

The guests and content are inspirational even if not in the tech industry/world.

Your Local Tractor-Trailer Driver
Love this show. These two have the best energy, mindset, and always have great ideas. You’re great teachers as well- Always excited to hear new episodes.

Energetic and inspiring.
The topics to me are very different and new in contrast to my brick and mortar business reality, so I find the podcast very refreshing. And even though I don’t really follow much of the advice offered, it does affect my mindset when tackling problems at work. So, for example, our grocery wholesale business has become a bit more retail oriented during the pandemic. As a result, customers have been asking us to have some sort of webstore/e-commerce option to “order and pick-up” or “order and deliver” for an extra charge. The mental framework to make that happen is very different than how a typical IT project gets done in our business. The energy and inspiration I derive from the podcast helps me maintain my optimism high and reduce my anxiety about the project because I KNOW it can (and should) be done. Keep up the great work and good luck in hitting the Top 10. The last episode with Andrew Wilkinson was awesome. PS - I find that MORE isn’t necessarily BETTER. I’m having trouble keeping up with the increase in episodes. That means that I will be more picky with what I listen. If it’s not good I’m skipping it.

Best Podcast For Business Owners
Best podcast out there for business owners and entrepreneurs. The Billy of the week is my favorite thing!

Awesome business podcast
The podcast is great for getting the business creative juices flowing. I have learned about many new businesses and ideas by listening. The show is also very entertaining. Definitely top of my regular listen list.

I'm a smarter businessperson and more informed investor thanks to this pod
If you have the choice to get and MBA or listen to this pod, I'm not saying the MBA is a waste of money but you seriously might learn more from MFM. It's full of incredible insight and hanging out with two successful founders/investors all the time!

Love this podcast
I listen to this podcast every week. Always informative and inspiring.

This pod makes me more creative in all aspects of my life
I listen to every single one of these episodes from start to finish and it’s opened my eyes to investigating the businesses and opportunities all around me. Super entertaining and has completely rewired my brain!

MFM = Top 5 Podcast Ever Made?
﷽ My friend Masroor Ahmed turned me on to the MFM pod last year. At first, i just listened occasionally—and i was certain that Sam was the Indian guy (bc his voice totally sounds like a nasally Desi), and I thought Shaan was the white dude. i started missing episodes, bc i mostly used to listen to podcasts while driving, and the Pandemic killed my driving time. However, in the past few months, i came to realize that MFM may be one of the best podcasts in existence. Always chock full of practical advice and business education, the episodes are CONSISTENTLY entertaining and informative. For entrepreneurs and even investors, the forward-looking peeks into emerging trends, the latest tech innovations, and insider-only intel (that SV VCs and stealth startups normally hoard and keep to themselves) are ALWAYS shared. My prediction is that Shaan Puri will become the Brown Tony Robbins, Sam Parr will become a billionaire, and the MFM podcast will become the #1 Business podcast in the world by 2025. i have put my (crypto) money where my mouth is, and just bought both of their creator coins on Bitclout, and in fact, as of today, i am the largest hodler of the Sam Parr creator coin on the platform! If you want to listen to interesting business ideas, learn a ton about investing and entrepreneurship, and have a fun time doing so, you will love the MFM podcast.

Awesome Podcast
Great podcast that goes through business ideas and successful businesses. It breaks it down in an easy way and give you the stories to understand and remember the next time you’re in a conversation or evaluating your own business. Will be a long time listener.