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True Life: I’m Addicted to the MFM podcast
Since discovering this podcast about a month ago, I’m averaging about 4+ hours a day listening to it. I don’t want to, I HAVE to listen to it and get my fix.

MFM changed my outlook on my 9-5
Started listening to MFM 5-6 months ago. It changed my thought process about identifying problems or possible business ideas. I began a side-hustle that is soon to be my full time gig. Love the pod, the guests, their willingness to dive into some “touchy subjects” unlike other podcasts. 10/10 if I could add that many stars.

My go to podcast for business ideas
Sam and Shaan have great chemistry so it’s super entertaining to listen to them and they have both built and sold businesses in the 7 figures so you know they’re the real deal. If you want new business ideas or stay up to date with emerging tech, this is the podcast for you.

Sam is so smart and handsome.
Not sure who the other guy is talking to Sam all the time but he seems okay. Not as handsome or smart as Sam though.

Top top top podcast
Hands down one of the most interesting podcast about business/ start ups and a lot of inspirational stuff. Combined with great chemistry between the hosts.

This podcast has taken me from zero to 2 businesses, here’s how:
I’m going to explain why, how, and what’s next. But why? 👇🏽

The Only Pod I Listen To
MFM is the only pod i really follow. Shaan and Sam are fantastic hostS. Beyond just business, they provide insights on life, values, and money that i haven’t heard anywhere else. Highly recommend!!!

My favorite morning podcast
I wake up groggy, confused, and all around having a slow morning. Instead of reaching for that espresso, I inject some inspiration and motivation directly to my veins through the earphones of my iPhone, playing My First Million. Ideas pour out of my ears, and before I know it, my day has started. Thank you MFM. Keep jamming. - anthony_h_h

The Giver
It’s the power of knowledge that will propel us all. Don’t get caught with your duck in your pants, click play and let your mind wander! Push your own limits and you will achieve greatness, this podcast is LEGENDARY. WAGMI!!

Worth anyone’s time
I am very picky about content. Most of the time find podcasts not worth anyone’s time. However, MFM it’s entertaining and educating at the same time. Try it out.

Informative and inspiring
Terrific resource for aspiring entrepreneurs and investors. Highly recommend.

Your session at Ucon was in Incredible! A Wealth of knowledge.humor.wit.

Absolutely Incredible Podcast for Entrepreneurs and Investors
Shaan and Sam have built a podcast where the they interview incredible guests and get into the details of how they think, how they built their business, mental frameworks and more! They brainstorm awesome ideas, identify cool business trends , and are generally just funny! Great podcast!

Amazing Podcast
Never learned more critical thinking or overall business acumen from a show. So entertaining and informative. Recommend for anyone interested in business and developing in life!

This Podcast is Too Addictive and Effective!
I’m not joking I can only listen to this podcast when I’m running because this podcast gets me too hyped to start working on ideas!

Simple men, complex ideas
Shaan and Sam are surgeons in an active war zone in how they dissect and breakdown the complexities of their guest’s achievements. Sam’s incessant questioning and Shaan’s reinforcement in verbal strong-arming ensure no stone is unturned or topic is passed over. Plus, the dude lifts big weight!!!

The only podcast where I listen to every single episode
I’m actually not a big podcast fan…but I love this one. It’s fascinating, inspiring, and makes me think every time. I love that the topics vary so much as well, it makes me think about and explore things that I never would have otherwise.

Things you just can’t learn at school
This has quickly become one of my favorite podcasts. Just so smart, fun and innovative.

Radically new ideas you never knew were possible
Been listening to MFM for a while now. It’s the podcast you should listen to if you’re looking for new ideas to jumpstart anything - business, habits or simply just ways to live your life better!

Enjoy this podcast due to the realness of the content. I learn something new from every episode.

Sam and Shaan are always entertaining and the info is insightful.

Absolutely love it!
Great podcast! A lot of interesting insights and amazing guests.

Brilliant and applicable
Sam is one of those ultra relatable and incredibly sincere guys, that makes you know you can achieve almost anything. He breaks the traditional shackles of business and shares how we can do the same.

Learning from the best
Met Sam Parr IRL, he’s the real deal! Highly recommend the episode with Rob Dyrdek

One of my favorite shows
Sam and Shaan are so fun and insightful to listen to. I love the range of guests they bring on and the ideas it sparks.

The only podcast you need to listen to
Hilarious. Insightful. Actionable. Can’t go wrong with these guys.

Amazing Guests
Super interesting guest, one of my favorites to listen too.

Incredibly good looking host
And a thought provoking podcast.

I see the GROWTH - it’s awesome!
I met Sam in NYC a few years ago. The guy is great and only getting better! This show is awesome. It has grown from a seedling to a mega epic show with just tons of value for any entrepreneurial minded person anywhere. Enjoy!

Entrepreneurial Excellence!
My First Million has quickly become a favorite in my feed! I'm consistently impressed by the engaging conversations, insightful content, and actionable ideas. I truly learn something every time I listen!